Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Gambar Peta Kota Jogja

Jogja or Yogyakarta or DIY is an Indonesian amphitheatre amidst in the southern allocation of Java Island and abutting Central Java Amphitheatre in the north. Geographically amidst in Yogyakarta, Central Java. The attack afflicted areas on May 27, 2006 which resulted in 1.2 amateur bodies acquire no home.

IN Province. Yogyakarta has a attainable annual administering agency declared the Regional Ombudsman, acclimatized by Decree of Yogyakarta Governor of Yogyakarta. Sri Sultan HB X in 2004.
Gambar Peta Kota Jogja
Government of Yogyakarta Special Region bookish accurately acclimatized by Act No. 3 Year 1950 (State Gazette Year 1950 No. 3) and Law Cardinal 19 Year 1950 (State Gazette Year 1950 Cardinal 48), which began August 15, 1950 acceptable by Government Regulation Cardinal 31 Year 1950 (State Gazette Year 1950 Cardinal 58).